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“Do you want to NoCopyrightNasheeds? Then just read this short article.”
Cooperate with us and share your Nasheeds. And we will share them on our platforms (YouTube, the NCN Official website, and App).
Some important points you need to consider before cooperation are that all your work is going to be without any copyright, and it will be free to use for everyone on our platforms. And for this, in shaa Allah, you will get ajr. It will be an extremely valuable contribution to the fight against the evil music industry.
In order to cooperate with us as an artist, you need to subscribe to our Mujahideen membership level. You can subscribe to a monthly plan or a yearly plan; it’s up to you. After that, we will provide you with our official document about you being our label’s new artist and that you agree to all our requirements. Keep it in a safe place.
Then you will be able to send us your Nasheeds with lyrics and proofs that the Nasheed belongs to you and that you are the real author. Keep in mind that you need to provide your original work. After that, we will review and investigate your Nasheed.
Nasheed (or Nasheeds) needs to meet the following criteria:
1. It needs to be your own original work.
2. It can’t contain musical instruments.
3. Imitation to non-believers should be avoided.
4. It can’t contain women’s voices in it.
5. The audio file needs to be of good quality and recorded using a studio microphone.
Regularly, review and investigation might take up to 5 days, so remain patient, and we might also ask for some extra information through email if needed.
If everything suits our requirements, we will publish your work on our platforms, like YouTube, the NCN official website, and our official NCN App.
Before publication, we will ask for your name, your artist name, and your featured artist image. These details are going to show up on the title of our YouTube video and on our website’s and App’s Artists page.
So, if you think you are ready to become one of the artists on our label, then hurry up and don’t miss the boat!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
If you are interested in cooperating with our label, then feel free to contact us at